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Designing Tips For Your Next Outdoor Media Ad

A wide variety of very popular billboard advertisements

Billboards are some of the most recognizable ways to draw attention to your business. You can create one made of vinyl, with a captivating design. Or, you can choose a digital option with equally arresting visuals. Either way, a billboard is guaranteed to get you impressions. This generates leads, which leads to sales.

But what should go into your billboard’s construction? The last thing you want to do is use this great medium ineffectively. That’s why we’ve put together this blog and clip to help you make the right design choices. Read below to learn more about what goes into billboard design!

How To design a billboard

One thing to always keep in mind when generating a billboard is the KISS method. “Keep It Simple and Straightforward”. You may be tempted to tell your audience as much as you can while you have their attention. This would be ill-advised though. Your best designing tip is to sum up your brand and services in as few words as possible.

Also, make sure your logo is visible! There are many advertisers who include far too much copy on their board. This can be distracting, and cause your impressions to be wasted. Instead, “use large bold copy… and… make it very creative.”

One way to be creative and memorable is to come up with a fitting tagline. Something simple and catchy that’s sure to stick with the audience is a valuable choice! This is much more effective than a wordy excerpt or hard to decipher copy. Follow these rules, and you’ll have an effective billboard ready to promote your brand!

Use EOM for your next billboard

Ready to promote your brand with a quality billboard? Don’t waste another second! We’re here to help take your brand’s visibility to the next level.  Reach out to Effortless Outdoor Media today to get started!

Clip Transcript:

Jason Sirotin:

Hi, I’m Jason Sirotin. And today I’m speaking with Bill Hobbs, who is the owner and proprietor, managing director, everything, of Effortless Outdoor Media, which is a outdoor media advertising placement company. What are the best tips for designing a billboard?

Bill Hobbs:

That’s a great question. So the best tips to design an effective billboard are, number one, keep it as simple as possible. I’m sure everybody’s driven by billboards that you can’t even tell who the advertiser is, there’s so much copy on the billboard.

Number two is you want to make sure you use large bold copy on the billboard, and then you also want to make it very creative. So, if possible, you want to have a picture of something or a tagline, that’s going to get your attention.

And then if you do that, and that’s something that, based on our 30 years experience we’ve learned the hard way by making mistakes, what works for the clients and what works on billboards. And then I also, just to give you an idea, I have a number of different companies I’ve work with, I work with a vanity phone number company.

So I have a mortgage company that had a billboard up and it has “800 new loan” on their billboard. So it’s something that’s easy to remember, but you want to have it as simple as possible. And you also want to have something that’s memorable and something that gets people’s attention that grabs their attention.

Jason Sirotin:

Bill, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us today. We really appreciate it. If you’re interested in learning more about what bill has to offer, you can visit him online at And you can email him at bhobbs, that’s B-H-O-B-B-S,




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