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What is outdoor advertising?

Atlanta Outdoor Advertising Market

Outdoor Advertising, Defined So what is outdoor advertising? Any advertising that is done outdoors that publicizes a business’ products or services is considered to be outdoor advertising. This definition encompasses a wide array of elements should you want to incorporate outdoor advertising into your marketing strategy. From massive billboards lining the busiest highways to posters and […]

What I should expect when buying transit advertising?

Transit Advertising in Atlanta with MARTA or Others

What I should expect when buying transit advertising in Georgia and Atlanta? In Atlanta, there are many opportunities to take advantage of outdoor advertising should your marketing campaign for your business include this option. From long stretches of highway, dotted with billboards, to a robust mass transportation system, MARTA, the potential to reach your audience […]

What I should expect when buying a Billboard?

Georgia Lottery Billboard in Atlanta

What I should expect when buying a Billboard in Georgia and Atlanta? As a local business in Georgia, it’s likely that you’ve considered many options when it comes to advertising your product or service. With so many interstates stretching across the state, often jam-packed with cars and trucks, utilizing billboards is one potentially effective possibility […]

The History of Billboards

Coca-Cola Santa Billboard 1931

Billboards: A History of Billboards It feels like they’ve always been around, those tall, free-standing advertisements, strategically placed along the highway. You may have memories of a favorite billboard you’d frequent every year in a family road-trip or one that you used to wait to see because it meant you were close to a favorite […]

Finding the best location in Atlanta for your billboard

Billboard-at-entrance of Suntrust Stadium in Atlanta

How to Find the Perfect Location for a Billboard in Atlanta Deciding to utilize outdoor marketing as part of your overall business strategy can be an effective method to strengthen your brand and bring in more business with a targeted, location-based campaign. However, the next step, selecting the right outdoor advertising piece to use, can […]